Tuesday, January 31, 2006

My Final Web Project concept is...

For the final project in this class, I’m thinking of redesigning the site of an old acquaintance of mine. His name is Corey Goode and he is what someone might call a freelance technician. He has a company called Goode Technical Services in which he does business around the Dallas Fort Worth are in network solutions, computer repair, and other types of technical services.
By looking at his current site at www.goodetech.com, one can definitely tell that his site needs a full reconstruction. The current site looks like something done in a program like Front Page or Microsoft Word. For the look of the new site that I’m planning on building in here, I think that using a simple and elegant approach might be the way to go.
One of the first things that this new site will need to have is a whole lot more content. By using other better-designed sites within the same field, I feel that I will be able to generate enough content for this subject. I already have a few custom graphics for the different pages. By taking some pictures of different types of objects related to his services, I think I could make the site a bit livelier.
Overall, I think that this site could definitely have some potential for CSS in helping to create a great looking and designed website.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Week 2 Site Reviews

Still in the process of deciding what to create a web site on so I have decided to go a couple of routes to determine which avenue I wish to go.

The first site is a technical site own by a person that I used to work with. He has a company called GoodeTech.com and the URL is www.goodetech.com
This site is one that needs a major overhaul. For starters, it needs to be created using CSS and not MSWord or some other Microsoft product. Some of the major changes that I would implement, would be to add some more visual appealing content as well as adding about 10 more pages of content. Some aspects of this site that I could apply to my own design knowledge would be the graphics, animation, and web development that he points out in his site about being able to do. As far as specific features that I would use in my site would be to actually create a page for each of the area listed under his services and actually go into better description as far as what each of the area do.

This second site http://www.mentor.com/ is a good example of what the first site goodetech.com could become. This site is a site that offers similar services as goodetech, but is much more professional looking. The site has good organization of their links and it doesn’t have the look that other technical service sites do. One aspect of this site that I could see using in my own site is some of their organizational techniques for displaying all of their services.

This third site http://www.experts-exchange.com/ is better example of what of how technical site can be visually appealing. Like the first two sites mentioned, this site provides technical solutions and support to individuals or small businesses.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

3 topics that I would like to see addressed in the course.

When it comes to topics stated in the course syllabus that I would like to see addressed, the first that comes to mind is using CSS with XHTML to attain more precise control over layout, placement, and typography in browsers. I remember taking HTML four years ago and having to be stuck with tables or frame, this is going to be so much better. Redesigning in hours instead of days or weeks is also another very appealing aspect of using the technologies outlined in the syllabus. Time is definitely something every designer could always use more of. The top third topic that I would like to see addressed in this course is being able to ensure that sites designed with these techniques will continue to work in tomorrow’s browsers.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

My Personal Design Process

The process in which I use in creating something along the lines of a website or any interactive piece for that matter consists of several different stages. The first stage is where I brain storm about the subject that the piece is going to be over through the use of bodystorming. After gathering many of the different ideas, I begin to group the ideas together into categories and sub categories using similar sites as a reference to get a good idea of what works and doesn’t work good together. This is the stage where I emerge myself in all the research I can on the topic to try to take in as much information to get a better feel for the topic in which I am designing for. The next stage is where I start creating thumbnails as to what the layout and overall look of the site will look like. After about 12 or so, I begin to envision which layout and design would fit best with the content. When a layout is chosen, I then begin to create the site on a sketchbook and start drawing and writing down the code as to how it will function. Once I am satisfied with the paper model, I then take it to the computer. From this stage on, I have a pretty good idea of the types of images and typefaces that would look good together and I use the computer to test out the pen and paper idea. After this stage, it basically me testing out different elements and either deciding to go with it or to go back a couple of steps until I find something that I like.