Wednesday, March 22, 2006

week 11

My site for this class is complete and on-line at.

I will probably add to it over the break and depending on how the 3rd scripting language class is structured, I plan on picking it back up and adding additional functionality to it. One thing that I could add to it would be to make the search engine actually work through using a database with mysql and php. Maybe even add more depth to the computer section by creating a mock shopping cart. Another thing that I would have to add before making it a portfolio piece is to replace the graphics with my own. So maybe later on, I could actually use this for portfolio, but for now it is my final project for this class.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Week 9 Progress

Well so far I have 11 of the 15 pages completed for this class and I feel like I have a real handle on CSS now. One thing that I've found to help along the way was to create a prototype of each page in Illustrator and use it as a template to measure where every element will go. The prototypes may take longer in the beginning by having to figure out all the text and where every element goes, but in the final stages I think helps move things along. I just have 4 pages left to complete for next week and I will be finished with my final website for the class.